
Many people enjoy shopping to update their wardrobes for various occasions, but waiting in long changing room queues can be a hassle, especially when time is limited. One shopper, Jess Bell, with a large following on social media, shared a brilliant hack to bypass the lines at Zara using their app.

By downloading the Zara app and turning on location services, customers can reserve a fitting room slot by selecting their gender and location within the store. A QR code is generated, allowing them to skip the queue and try on their chosen items. This feature has been around for years, but many are unaware of its existence.

Jess demonstrated how her QR code allowed her to jump to the front of the line in her local store, much to the amazement of many followers. While some praised the hack for its convenience, others expressed concerns about cutting in line or preferred trying clothes at home instead.

The Zara website provides more information about the changing room reservation service, highlighting the ease of booking a slot through the app and receiving notifications when a fitting room becomes available. This service is only available in stores that offer it, and customers must be physically present in the store to make a reservation.

Zara’s popularity can be attributed to its unique business model of focusing on producing a wide variety of styles rather than mass quantities of a few designs. With 24 trend-led collections released annually, 500 new designs weekly, and limited shelf life of three to four weeks per style, Zara keeps customers engaged by constantly offering fresh options and encouraging frequent store visits.

This strategy of rapid turnover and continuous introduction of new styles ensures that customers always have something new to discover and purchase, driving foot traffic to Zara stores and boosting consumer interest. By staying ahead of trends and maintaining a high level of variety, Zara has established itself as a favorite among fashion-forward shoppers.