
Niclas Larsson, a film director from Sweden, is ready to showcase his surreal debut film, “Mother, Couch,” in theaters. Larsson, who grew up with a love for American movies, has created a 90-minute feature film that explores old age in the iPhone era.

At 33 years old, Larsson welcomed a journalist into his Manhattan apartment, where he resides with his dog, Ted. He expressed his passion for traditional movie theaters and his desire for his film to be shown in venues like the Angelika theater in downtown New York and the Nuart in Los Angeles. Despite the uncertainty in the summer box office, Larsson is determined to provide an option for movie enthusiasts to experience his film on the big screen.

“Mother, Couch,” adapted from a Swedish novel by Jerker Virdborg, delves into profound themes such as mortality, parenthood, and capitalism. Larsson believes that the immersive experience of watching a film in a theater adds a unique perspective to storytelling, reminiscent of the large shadow plays from the Stone Age.

Larsson’s journey as a filmmaker reflects his dedication to capturing close-up moments and exploring complex themes through his work. His blend of Americana influences and Swedish storytelling creates a unique cinematic experience that invites viewers to ponder the deeper aspects of life.

As Larsson prepares for the release of “Mother, Couch,” he remains committed to his vision of bringing his film to audiences in theaters. His passion for traditional cinema and storytelling shines through in his approach to filmmaking, promising an engaging and thought-provoking viewing experience for moviegoers.