
Inspired by the beloved Disney film “The Lion King,” Balmain’s latest collection is a tribute to the movie’s 30th anniversary. Olivier Rousteing, the creative director of Balmain, drew inspiration from his African roots for this special collaboration with Disney. The collection features a range of ready-to-wear and couture pieces that showcase African textiles, patterns, and silhouettes.

Rousteing, who discovered his Somalian and Ethiopian heritage later in life, found a connection to his roots through this project. The collection includes zebra-stripe coats, jackets, a raffia dress with dense fringing, and a bustier gown adorned with familiar “Lion King” characters. The pieces were showcased in a short film shot near Cape Town, featuring models from across Africa.

For Rousteing, “The Lion King” was a film that taught him important life lessons about perseverance and self-belief. The collection reflects these themes and aims to capture the essence of the movie’s characters. The collaboration with Disney is a significant milestone for Balmain and a nod to the enduring impact of “The Lion King” on popular culture.

The collection will be available for purchase starting July 8, offering fans of the film a chance to channel their inner royalty with regal couture inspired by the iconic story. Balmain’s creative fusion of African heritage and high fashion promises a majestic look fit for a king or queen.