
The actor who lives in my neighborhood wears a KN95 mask and is immediately recognizable. I see him often, sometimes more than once a day, at places like the coffee shop, playground, and farmers’ market. Despite being starstruck at first, I started to wonder about our connection. Are we just neighbors with similar interests and young families, or is there more to it?

Living in a small area in Brooklyn, I also regularly see other famous faces like experimental guitarists, British character actresses, supermodels, and more. We all have quiet, routine lives, making it a nice place to raise children. As a parent, finding friends can be challenging, especially when time and energy are limited. Even socializing with other parents at the playground doesn’t always lead to meaningful connections.

When I quit my job to write a book, I faced potential social isolation without colleagues to interact with daily. Making friends as an adult is difficult, but I still try to connect with interesting people. Despite the challenges, I value conversations and genuine connections. However, turning new acquaintances into friends takes time and effort, which can be hard to come by as a busy parent.

My desire for companionship and understanding led me to imagine befriending the famous actor in my neighborhood. Seeing him on a regular basis sparked feelings of envy and admiration for his success and recognition. I fantasized about breaking the celebrity wall and starting a friendship based on our shared experiences as parents. However, the reality of our interactions remained distant and superficial, leaving me feeling unseen and insignificant.

As I struggled to bridge the gap between admiration and friendship with the actor, I found solace in a chance encounter with a fellow dad at the playground. Our conversation about fatherhood, books, and life hinted at a potential friendship, offering a sense of connection and understanding. Despite living in different neighborhoods, the possibility of future interactions brought a sense of comfort and familiarity to my daily routine.

While my attempts to befriend the famous actor fell short, the simple interaction with a fellow dad highlighted the value of genuine connections and shared experiences. As I navigate the challenges of adult friendships and social isolation, I find solace in the everyday moments of connection and understanding that bring a sense of belonging and companionship to my life.