
On a hot day in June, the A Preferred Women’s Health Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, was filled with patients seeking abortions. The clinic operates at a higher capacity now than before due to increased demand and restrictive laws. Patients travel from states like South Carolina and Georgia to access care at the clinic.

The clinic staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure patients are supported and safe. They navigate through protesters and provide assistance to patients who may have traveled long distances. The clinic operates with a small staff, but they are dedicated to providing quality care to every patient.

Throughout the day, patients come in for counseling, ultrasounds, and procedures. The clinic schedules up to 100 patients each day, with some receiving medication abortions and others opting for surgical procedures. The staff work efficiently to manage the high volume of patients and ensure that every step of the process is handled with care.

The doctor at the clinic shares stories of patients who come from far away, facing medical challenges that require additional attention. Despite the difficulties, the doctor finds fulfillment in providing patients with another chance at life and a sense of relief.

As the day comes to a close, the clinic staff reflect on their challenging but rewarding work. They understand the importance of their role in providing essential healthcare services to those in need. The clinic director rushes out to make it home for her kids’ bedtime, knowing that they will continue their important work the next day.

The A Preferred Women’s Health Center offers a vital service to patients in need of abortion care, despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles. The dedicated staff and volunteers ensure that patients receive compassionate and professional care in a safe and supportive environment.