The cowgirl trend is making a comeback, led by celebrities like Bella Hadid and Beyoncé. Everyone is looking for Western-inspired accessories like saddle bags. While designer brands like YSL and Gucci offer luxury options, Primark has introduced affordable alternatives. Their light and dark brown saddle bags resemble high-end pieces but only cost £12. Another suede design is reminiscent of YSL’s bag but at a fraction of the price.
If you want to complete your rodeo look, you can pair these bags with Primark’s £14 cowboy boots, available in various colors. The brand emphasizes that cowboy boots are more than just a trend and can elevate any outfit. Primark’s ability to offer such bargains is attributed to selling a large volume of items, minimal advertising, cost-saving strategies like simple packaging, and efficient transportation.
In addition to the bags and boots, Primark also offers cowgirl accessories like Diamanté Fringe Cowboy Hats and chunky belts. These pieces can be styled in different ways, from pairing them with denim skirts to oversized blazers. So, if you’re looking to embrace the cowgirl trend without breaking the bank, Primark is the place to go for affordable and stylish options.