
Former President Trump’s Republican rivals have now come forward to endorse him for the 2024 nomination. They vowed to make America safe again by addressing issues related to violent criminals and undocumented immigrants entering the nation through the southern border. Despite their previous criticisms of Trump during the primaries, they now believe that unifying behind him is essential for the nation’s future.

Nikki Haley, Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations, highlighted the importance of supporting Trump over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She acknowledged that not all Americans may agree with Trump all the time, but emphasized that it is not necessary to do so in order to vote for him. Haley’s message was aimed at voters who may have reservations about supporting Trump.

Other prominent figures like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Senator Ted Cruz also expressed their support for Trump at the convention. They emphasized the need to send Joe Biden back to his basement and bring Trump back to the White House. Cruz, in particular, listed the names of Americans allegedly killed by individuals in the country illegally and blamed Biden’s presidency for making the country less safe.

The convention’s theme of “Make America Safe Again” focused on addressing issues related to crime and immigration. Speakers highlighted the impact of Democratic policies on the surge in drug-related deaths and criminal activities, attributing them to the open border policies of the current administration. The speakers called for Trump to be elected to help combat these challenges and ensure the safety of American families.

Republicans have often positioned themselves as the “law and order” party, emphasizing the importance of addressing crime and homelessness. However, Democrats have criticized these claims as inaccurate and exaggerated, pointing out that similar issues exist in cities across red states as well. Democrats also condemned the Republican National Convention for platforming individuals involved in the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Overall, the convention highlighted the Republican Party’s focus on addressing crime, immigration, and safety concerns in the country. The speakers emphasized the need to support Trump in order to combat these challenges and make America safe again. The endorsements from Trump’s former rivals underscored the party’s unity in the upcoming 2024 election.