Emily Ratajowski made a stylish statement as she landed on Friday in a casual yet chic outfit. She was seen coming back home, most likely from the airport, carrying a black Rimowa carry-on suitcase and a red leather weekender bag. Her travel look was a mix of farm girl charm and effortless beauty, sporting a loose white t-shirt paired with white boxer shorts that resembled underwear more than shorts. Despite the unconventional choice of bottoms, Ratajowski effortlessly pulled off the look, thanks to her fashion expertise and choice of accessories.
To elevate her all-white ensemble, she adorned herself with layers of gold jewelry. Gold hoops dangled from her ears, while orange gemstone pendants and chunky gold necklaces adorned her neck. Delicate gold rings embellished her fingers, adding a touch of glamour to her outfit. On her feet, she opted for leather harness biker boots from Miu Miu, featuring silver buckles that added a hint of edge to her otherwise simple attire. Completing her look, she wore black wraparound sunglasses from Ray-Ban, a staple in Ratajowski’s ever-evolving street style.
The combination of trendy accessories almost diverted attention from the fact that she was essentially traveling in a t-shirt and underwear. While traveling in your undergarments may not be everyone’s cup of tea, you can take inspiration from the model’s look for your next casual outing. Next time you’re stepping out to grab the mail or pick up takeout, consider keeping your comfy couch outfit and simply jazz it up with boots, jewelry, and a statement pair of sunglasses.
In a world where personal style and social media trends play a significant role, Emily Ratajowski’s bold fashion choices continue to make headlines. As an editor covering diverse fashion topics, Maya Ernest delves into the latest fashion news, personal style insights, social media trends, and sustainable fashion practices. Whether it’s pushing the boundaries of conventional fashion norms or inspiring others to experiment with their style, Ratajowski’s travel outfit serves as a reminder that fashion is all about expressing yourself confidently and authentically.