
Jannine Mancilla, 32, and Nicole Macias, 34, found a common bond in their love for DIY fashion and hand-me-downs. They were also frustrated with the harmful impact of the fashion industry and the wasteful throwaway culture it promotes. Together, they came up with a unique idea: encouraging people to donate their old clothes for free.

Their clothing swaps in Los Angeles have become incredibly popular events, with hundreds of pounds of clothing donations pouring in each month. Jannine and Nicole, both first-generation Mexican Americans, grew up with a resourceful mindset, using hand-me-downs and reusing items in creative ways.

Nicole, inspired by a company called Suay Sew Shop, started a free rack at a back-to-school event in 2021. The response was overwhelming, leading to more clothing swaps and eventually teaming up with Jannine. They founded Radical Clothes Swap, a concept that challenges the norms of capitalism by offering clothes for free without expecting anything in return.

The swaps have gained a following, with events held multiple times a month at various locations in Los Angeles. Attendees not only get free clothes but also have the opportunity to connect with others in the community. Thrift stores are often overwhelmed with donations, and the quality of items is declining due to the influx of fast fashion.

Jannine and Nicole hope to open a physical space for educational workshops on topics like mending and fabric dyeing. They believe that their concept of swapping clothes is a way for BIPOC communities to reclaim their power and showcase their resourcefulness.

In a world where consumerism and waste are rampant, Radical Clothes Swap offers a refreshing alternative that promotes sustainability, community building, and creativity. Their vision extends beyond Los Angeles, as they hope to inspire similar initiatives in other cities and states.

The success of Radical Clothes Swap demonstrates the power of grassroots movements in addressing environmental issues and promoting a more conscious approach to fashion consumption. By giving back to the community and the planet, Jannine and Nicole are paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future in the fashion industry.