
On the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, EMILYs List president Jessica Mackler shared her own abortion story in an essay for ELLE. She recounted her experience of needing an abortion after a pregnancy loss and highlighted the importance of access to safe and compassionate medical care during vulnerable moments like these.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landscape of abortion access in the United States has drastically changed. Many individuals are now facing barriers to essential medical care due to conservative policies and restrictions. The current political climate poses a threat to the health and well-being of millions of people, particularly those in need of life-saving abortion care.

As the country grapples with these challenges, the upcoming November elections hold significant importance. The candidates we elect will play a crucial role in shaping the future of reproductive rights and access to essential healthcare services. Democratic, pro-choice leaders who prioritize the protection of abortion, birth control, and IVF are essential in safeguarding these fundamental rights.

EMILYs List has been at the forefront of supporting and electing women who advocate for reproductive freedom. Candidates like Arizona state Sen. Eva Burch, Florida congressional candidate Lucia Báez-Geller, and Nevada U.S. Rep. Susie Lee have personal experiences that drive their commitment to defending abortion rights and access to reproductive healthcare.

In the face of ongoing attacks on reproductive health care, it is more important than ever to support candidates who will champion these issues and fight against harmful policies that threaten the well-being of millions. The upcoming elections offer an opportunity to push back against extremist agendas and ensure that all individuals have access to the care they need.

As voters, we have the power to demand change and protect the rights that are currently under threat. By electing leaders who prioritize reproductive freedom and healthcare, we can work towards a future where access to essential services is not only protected but expanded for all individuals. The choice is clear – our votes in November will determine the path forward for reproductive rights in the United States.