
Laila Gohar is known for her artistic edible creations that push the boundaries of food and art. Recently, she took on the challenge of creating a 200-inch cake to celebrate the 200th anniversary of The Glenlivet scotch whiskey brand. The cake, a stunning sage green creation adorned with fruit toppings and icing, was a sight to behold at the Elizabeth Street Garden in Nolita.

Gohar incorporated The Glenlivet Fusion Cask into the cake’s filling, along with peaches and apricots, to pay homage to the brand. The event was a celebration of great food, great liquor, and great art, with guests enjoying the cake and raising a glass in honor of the occasion.

In a conversation with Gohar, she shared insights into her creative process and tips for aspiring bakers. She emphasized the importance of pushing boundaries and constantly imagining new ideas. Gohar drew inspiration from everyday moments and the seasons, finding creativity in the mundane.

When it comes to baking a 200-inch cake, Gohar stressed the importance of courage and problem-solving skills. She highlighted the significance of humor and light-heartedness in the kitchen, emphasizing that it’s the people, not the tools, that make a kitchen successful.

Gohar’s uniform in the kitchen includes comfortable and stylish pieces from designer Simone Rocha, as well as the newly released Gohar World apron in Opaline. She encouraged aspiring bakers to practice and not be discouraged by the precision required in baking, noting that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Looking ahead, Gohar expressed her desire to continue growing Gohar World by expanding the community through newsletters, social media updates, and global events. She highlighted collaborations with brands like The Glenlivet, such as the limited edition 200th celebration candles.

Overall, Laila Gohar’s creative approach to food and art is a testament to her innovative spirit and dedication to pushing boundaries in the culinary world. Her 200-inch cake for The Glenlivet’s anniversary celebration was a masterpiece that brought together food, art, and celebration in a truly unique and inspiring way.