
Looking to make some extra cash by selling your unwanted clothes on Vinted? Well, you’re not alone. Many people are turning to this platform to earn some money, but sometimes, it can be challenging to make sales. Nicole, a Vinted user, recently shared a viral hack that helped her boost her sales on the app.

Nicole’s trick was simple yet effective. She decided to delete the items that had been listed on her profile for a while and then relist them. According to her, this process can be time-consuming, but the results are worth it. In fact, Nicole was able to sell 10 items in just one day after using this hack. She also mentioned that the background of the photo can make a difference, suggesting using a white bed sheet to showcase the items.

After sharing her hack on social media, Nicole’s sales started to pick up, and many people were eager to try it out for themselves. Her TikTok video, where she talked about the hack, quickly went viral, garnering over 125k views and 2,000 likes. People in the comments thanked her for the tip and shared their own success stories after trying it out.

It’s essential to note that selling items on Vinted may have tax implications, especially if you are a business seller trading for profit. The platform provides some quick facts on taxes, stating that items might be taxable if they sell for more than £6,000 and there is a profit. However, you can use tax-free allowances to offset these costs. More information on taxes related to Vinted sales can be found on their website.

Overall, Nicole’s viral hack proves that sometimes a simple change in strategy can make a significant difference in your sales. So, if you’re looking to boost your Vinted sales, consider giving this trick a try. Who knows, you might see an increase in sales just like Nicole did!