
ECCO.Kollektive by Kiko Kostadinov recently unveiled its latest collection, named “Hypatia,” which beautifully combines the concept of “technology as fantasy” with elements of pop culture. Designed by the talented womenswear design team led by Laura and Deanna Fanning, the collection features a range of clothing and accessories that showcase futuristic shapes and sleek lines.

The collection showcases the brand’s signature leather in a fresh light, with footwear crafted from soft nubuck leather and metallic satin accents. The designs feature space-age silhouettes and mesh-like structures, giving them a modern and edgy feel. Additionally, the collection includes reimagined boot styles reminiscent of classic shapes like the Mary Jane, adding a touch of nostalgia to the futuristic theme.

With a color palette that includes vibrant shades of red, chartreuse, and metallic tones, the collection exudes a playful yet sophisticated vibe. The accessory line, inspired by vintage flight uniforms, offers a range of bags in various sizes, from spacious travel bags to compact pouches and wallets. Made from patent leathers with curved piping, the bags are both stylish and practical for everyday use.

Drawing inspiration from leather motorcycle styles and retro air travel, the collection also features a soft leather suit, trousers, and jackets that add a touch of classic elegance to the futuristic theme. The overall aesthetic of the “Hypatia” collection is a perfect blend of modernity and timeless sophistication.

If you’re interested in exploring the unique pieces from the “Hypatia” collection, be sure to visit the ECCO website to shop the latest designs. In related news, Zoe Kravitz takes center stage in Saint Laurent Rive Droite’s new book, adding her signature style to the iconic fashion house’s latest publication.