
Utah has become the center of controversy in the private adoption world, with allegations of exploitative practices surfacing. The story of Tia Goins, a young mother who found herself caught in the web of adoption facilitators, sheds light on the dark side of the adoption industry in Utah.

Tia, a young mother with a tumultuous past, found herself in a desperate situation when she gave birth to her daughter, Tiona. Abandoned at birth herself, Tia was determined to give Tiona a better life. However, when she came across adoption facilitator Flossie Green, promising financial assistance in exchange for adoption, Tia’s life took a dark turn.

Green connected Tia with adoption agencies in Utah, where the laws surrounding adoption are lax and oversight is minimal. Tia, under pressure and coercion, signed adoption papers without fully understanding the consequences. In a whirlwind of events, Tiona was taken from her, leaving Tia devastated and alone.

The adoption system in Utah operates like a marketplace, with agencies charging exorbitant fees and exploiting vulnerable birth mothers. The lack of regulation and oversight allows for unethical practices to thrive, leaving birth mothers like Tia feeling betrayed and used.

The story of Tia is just one of many in Utah’s adoption industry, where speed and profit take precedence over ethical considerations. The exploitation of birth mothers, the lack of enforceable open adoption agreements, and the unscrupulous practices of adoption facilitators paint a grim picture of the adoption landscape in Utah.

As the debate over adoption reform continues, it is essential to shine a light on the injustices faced by birth mothers like Tia and advocate for stricter regulations to protect the rights and well-being of all parties involved in the adoption process. The stories of Tia and others serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for reform in the adoption industry to ensure transparency, ethics, and accountability.