
I remember being obsessed with certain “It” bags growing up. I would have done anything to get my hands on them. While luxury designer bags used to be unattainable and incredibly expensive, our attitude towards them has shifted in recent years. The vibe of the bag has become more important than its price tag.

One bag that has been causing a stir is Coach’s Brooklyn Bag. Priced at $295 for the smaller size and just under $500 for the large, this bag has been all over social media. It even made it to number 2 on Lyst Index’s hottest products list for Q3 2024, beating out Miu Miu’s popular Arcadie bag. Bella Hadid has been spotted with the Brooklyn bag, adding to its popularity.

What sets the Brooklyn Bag apart is its versatility and personal style. Fans of the bag on TikTok have been customizing it with beaded chains, fabric tethers, and cute stuffed animal charms to reflect their own interests. The bag is not only stylish but also functional, perfect for carrying all your essentials.

The Brooklyn Bag is designed to be lived in, much like the oversized bags Mrs. Prada sent down the Miu Miu runway last year. It can fit everything you need for a day out, from extra outfits to laptops. The bag’s spacious design has made it a favorite among many, including myself.

Carrying around my Brooklyn Bag has made me feel like an “It” girl. People don’t question why I have such a big bag; instead, they want to know where they can get one too. The bag’s practicality and stylish design have made it a must-have accessory for many fashion enthusiasts.

In a world where personal style is the biggest fashion trend post-Covid, the Brooklyn Bag stands out as a versatile and chic accessory. Its popularity on social media and among celebrities like Bella Hadid is a testament to its appeal. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece or a functional everyday bag, the Brooklyn Bag has you covered.