
Dame Zandra Rhodes, a renowned designer, has recently released a memoir that takes readers on a journey through her colorful and vibrant life. The memoir is filled with anecdotes about her encounters with rock stars, royalty, and fashion icons such as Karl Lagerfeld and Diana Vreeland. From hanging out with Freddie Mercury and Diana Ross to rubbing shoulders with Andy Warhol and Halston at Studio 54 in New York, Dame Zandra Rhodes’s life has been nothing short of iconic.

The memoir, titled “Iconic” by Zandra Rhodes, co-authored by Ella Alexander, offers a unique glimpse into the world of fashion and celebrity. Priced at £25, the book is available for purchase on

In addition to her personal stories and experiences, Dame Zandra Rhodes also shares insights into the fashion industry and the creative process behind her iconic designs. Readers can expect to be inspired by her unique perspective and timeless style.

For fashion enthusiasts and aspiring designers, “Iconic” by Zandra Rhodes is a must-read that offers valuable lessons and a behind-the-scenes look at the glamorous and fast-paced world of fashion. Whether you’re a fan of vintage fashion or simply appreciate a good story, this memoir is sure to captivate and entertain.

With its vivid storytelling and captivating anecdotes, Dame Zandra Rhodes’s memoir is a visual guide to the fashion world, filled with unforgettable moments and larger-than-life personalities. Get your copy today and immerse yourself in the glamorous and inspiring world of one of the most iconic designers of our time.