
Glen Powell is making waves in New York as he promotes his new movie Twisters. Known as America’s Boyfriend, he has been spotted in a more casual and rugged style, ditching his upscale middle America look for boots and denim. Despite the change, he still manages to look effortlessly hot and well-suited to the summer weather.

Powell’s style choices may seem simple, but they are strategically crafted to appeal to a wide audience and enhance his image as a leading man. His outfits are the kind that guys aspire to wear and women wish their partners would wear. It’s a classic case of “be me or do me” in action, reminiscent of Chris Evans during his Captain America days.

Styled by Warren Alfie Baker, Powell’s fashion choices have been a hit on the red carpet and late-night TV shows like Seth Meyers. His ability to look both relatable and desirable in his outfits sets him apart as a male star who knows how to work the camera and win over fans.

As Powell continues to promote Twisters, his style evolution will be something to watch. Whether he sticks with his rugged look or switches things up, one thing is for sure – he knows how to dress to impress. Stay tuned for more updates on Glen Powell’s fashion journey as he takes on the Big Apple and beyond.