
When attending a wedding, it’s important to follow certain etiquette to ensure you don’t upstage the bride. One Reddit user, Giminoo, recently shared her outfit choice for her friend’s wedding, seeking approval from other users.

The dress she planned to wear was a sleeveless beige dress with bead detailing and mesh panels. While she thought it fit the formal full-length dress code specified by the bride, others disagreed. Some Reddit users commented that the dress looked too much like a wedding dress and was too light in color to be appropriate for a guest.

In response to the feedback, Giminoo mentioned that she had another dress option but felt it was too “matronly” for her. This dilemma sparked a discussion on wedding guest outfit etiquette, with users sharing tips on what not to wear to a wedding. Red attire, casual clothing like jeans, and any colors resembling white or cream were all considered no-gos. Additionally, showing too much cleavage or wearing a white dress were also discouraged.

Overall, the consensus among Reddit users was that Giminoo’s dress choice was not suitable for a wedding guest. The light color, bridal design, and embroidery led many to agree that it was better to opt for a different outfit. The feedback served as a reminder for future wedding guests to carefully consider their attire to avoid any fashion faux pas.

When it comes to attending weddings, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when selecting an outfit. By following these simple guidelines and being mindful of the bride’s preferences, you can ensure that you look stylish and appropriate for the occasion. Remember, it’s always better to play it safe than risk being judged for your fashion choices at a wedding.