
Julia Fox, known for her roles in the film industry and her occasional pop music performances, recently sparked speculation about her sexuality on TikTok. In a video response to a TikToker’s comment about lesbians in relationships with men, Fox candidly admitted, “Hey, that was me. I was that lesbian.” This revelation led to an outpouring of support from her fans, with many expressing excitement about her openness.

This isn’t the first time Fox has hinted at her queerness. In a previous interview, she mentioned a desire to explore her “gay bone” and expressed interest in dating women. Additionally, Fox revealed that she has been celibate for over two years as a way to reclaim control in a challenging social landscape for women and LGBTQIA+ individuals. While some may view celibacy as a temporary choice, Fox’s commitment to this lifestyle change seems unwavering.

The reactions to Fox’s TikTok confession highlight the importance of representation and visibility in the LGBTQIA+ community. By openly discussing her sexuality, Fox is contributing to a broader conversation about acceptance and self-discovery. As she continues on her journey, fans are eager to see how her newfound sense of empowerment will influence her personal and professional life.

In a world where societal norms often dictate whom we should love and how we should express ourselves, individuals like Julia Fox serve as beacons of authenticity. By embracing her truth and sharing it with the world, Fox is setting an example for others to do the same. As she navigates this new chapter in her life, one thing is certain: Julia Fox is unapologetically herself, and that is something worth celebrating.