
It was 4 in the morning on a balmy weekday last summer when I walked towards City Hall to cover a labor strike. Despite having seen the massive building numerous times from different angles, it never fails to impress me. City Hall, standing tall at thirty-two stories, gleaming and tapered at the peak, was built with sand from California’s 58 counties and water from the 21 Spanish missions. This iconic structure was erected to showcase the new era of progress and accomplishment that Los Angeles represented when it was officially dedicated in 1928. It was a symbol of the city’s power and the influence it aimed to have over the world.

As I approached City Hall that early morning, I witnessed the diverse tapestry of L.A.’s population. People were sleeping in tents and sleeping bags on the sidewalks, highlighting the struggles faced by many residents. The area around City Hall was bustling with activity – police cars passing by, buses rumbling in the distance, and individuals going about their daily routines. The juxtaposition of glamour and hardship, fear and hope, was evident, showcasing the multifaceted nature of Los Angeles.

City Hall, with its granite and concrete structure, is merely a shell without the people who breathe life into the city. It serves as a reminder of the city’s past while also embodying its future potential. The launch of L.A. Influential by The Times aims to profile the individuals who are currently shaping the city’s landscape. Through a series of portraits, essays, stories, and videos, this initiative seeks to highlight the diverse voices and faces that contribute to L.A.’s vibrancy.

Influence in Los Angeles has evolved over the years, transitioning from a playground for the powerful elite to a more inclusive and diverse landscape. The demographics of L.A. Influential reflect this shift, with individuals from various backgrounds and industries being recognized for their contributions. The project acknowledges the city’s complex history while also looking towards a more equitable future where influence can come from anywhere.

As the city continues to change and grow, so does the notion of influence. The individuals featured in L.A. Influential represent a snapshot of Los Angeles at this moment in time. They are the creators, connectors, disruptors, and establishment figures who collectively shape the city’s identity. By celebrating their stories and contributions, we gain a deeper understanding of the diverse tapestry that makes up Los Angeles.

Influence is not static; it evolves over time. Just as the landscape of Los Angeles has shifted over the years, so too has the distribution of influence. The individuals profiled in L.A. Influential are part of a dynamic and ever-changing narrative that defines the city. As we look towards the future, it is essential to recognize the voices that are driving change and shaping the next chapter of Los Angeles’ story.