
As the summer social season kicks into high gear, it’s essential to brush up on your party etiquette to ensure you’re the kind of guest that hosts love to invite back. From getting ready to saying goodbye, here are some tips from seasoned socialites and party planners to help you navigate any social event with grace.

First and foremost, when getting ready for a party, make sure you have the right mindset. Put on your social facade and bring something to the party, whether it’s glamour, an expensive bottle of wine, or a sprinkle of joy and wit. Remember not to leave early or ask who else will be attending – it’s considered rude.

When entering the space, remember to smile and introduce yourself to the host if you don’t know them. Make an effort to mingle and connect with at least three people at the party. Avoid monopolizing one person’s time or complaining about trivial matters – nobody wants a Debbie Downer at their party.

In terms of conversation, be a good listener and avoid making it all about you. Strike a balance between being a character who sparks conversation and a glue who holds it together. Avoid discussing divisive topics like politics or religion, as it can lead to heated arguments and ruin the party atmosphere.

When it comes to party etiquette, be mindful of your host’s wishes. Don’t show up early or bring uninvited guests. Respect house rules about shoes, smoking, and dietary restrictions. Always thank your host with a text or a handwritten note after the party to show your appreciation.

As the party winds down, make sure to leave gracefully. Whether you prefer an Irish exit or hugs and kisses, remember to thank your host for a lovely evening. Sending a follow-up text or card expressing your gratitude is a thoughtful gesture that will ensure you get invited back.

Remember, being a stellar guest is all about showing respect, consideration, and gratitude towards your host and fellow partygoers. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to have a great time at any social event without any regrets.