
President Biden and former President Trump clashed in a heated debate that covered a range of topics including the economy, immigration, and abortion. The debate, broadcast by CNN, saw the two candidates engage in fierce exchanges from the start.

Biden blamed the current state of the economy on Trump, citing the pandemic and economic downturn that occurred during Trump’s presidency. He highlighted his efforts to rebuild the economy and reduce drug prices, emphasizing his administration’s achievements in job creation and healthcare.

In response, Trump defended his record, claiming he had overseen the “greatest economy in the history of the world.” He criticized Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and attributed inflation to the current administration’s policies.

The debate quickly turned to the issue of immigration, with Trump accusing Biden of creating jobs for illegal immigrants and failing to address inflation effectively. Biden appeared hesitant in his responses, while Trump appeared more forceful and aggressive in his attacks.

The event was marked by a tense atmosphere, with both candidates trading barbs and accusations. The Biden campaign’s decision to invite Mary Trump, the former president’s niece, to provide commentary added to the drama surrounding the debate.

In the lead-up to the event, there was controversy over CNN’s decision not to allow certain reporters into the debate hall, prompting complaints from the White House Correspondents Association. The absence of a live audience and the muted microphone of the nonspeaker added to the unique nature of the debate.

Despite the negative views many Americans hold towards both candidates, the debate held significant importance as the election drew closer. Critics and viewers alike were eager to see how Biden would demonstrate his leadership qualities and whether Trump could maintain his lead in the polls.

The debate also highlighted the presence of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who offered an alternative perspective to the two major-party candidates. While trailing in the polls, Kennedy’s participation provided viewers with a different viewpoint on the issues discussed during the debate.

Overall, the debate served as a platform for the candidates to present their policies and engage in a spirited exchange of ideas. As the election approached, the stakes were high for both candidates, with each seeking to sway voters and secure their position as the next President of the United States.