
Vinted seller Ewan Mclean has found a lucrative side hustle by selling 80s and 90s clothing on the popular marketplace app. With over £1,500 in earnings, he has successfully funded his way through university, covering expenses such as rent, supplies, and social activities. Inspired by his uncle’s gift of a bag of old T-shirts, Ewan discovered a passion for second-hand clothing and turned it into a profitable venture.

The Journey to Vinted Success

Ewan’s journey into the world of selling vintage clothing began with a simple gift from his uncle. The bag of old T-shirts contained memories from various holidays and work trips, sparking a new chapter in Ewan’s life. He shared, “My uncle gave me this huge bag of old T-shirts from all sorts of different holidays he had been on, and work trips and souvenirs over the years.” This gift not only provided Ewan with sentimental pieces but also opened doors to a thriving business opportunity.

As Ewan delved deeper into selling on Vinted, he discovered a growing demand for retro 80s and 90s items on his page (@ejmclean). His unique collection caught the attention of buyers looking for one-of-a-kind pieces with a touch of nostalgia. Ewan’s knack for curating a selection of vintage clothing that resonates with buyers has earned him more than 120 five-star reviews, establishing his credibility as a trusted seller on the platform.

The Art of Selling on Vinted

Ewan’s success on Vinted can be attributed to his attention to detail and strategic approach to listing items. He emphasized the importance of clear pictures and realistic pricing to attract potential buyers. By accurately describing the year the items were first sold, Ewan sets his listings apart from the competition. He shared, “I like putting keywords or when it’s from, the condition it’s in, and how it fits because a lot of them vary, especially the older clothes.”

When it comes to pricing, Ewan’s strategy involves undercutting the market average by 10 to 20% to make his listings more appealing to buyers. By conducting research on market prices and staying true to the specifics of each item, Ewan maximizes his chances of selling quickly and at a profitable margin. His meticulous approach to listing details and pricing has proven to be a key factor in his success on Vinted.

The Thrill of the Flip

Ewan’s journey on Vinted has been filled with exciting moments, including a remarkable flip that showcased his keen eye for valuable vintage pieces. He shared the story of acquiring a 1992 AC Milan bomber jacket for just £8, only to sell it for £80 plus postage. This impressive turnaround demonstrates Ewan’s ability to spot hidden gems and capitalize on their resale value.

For Ewan, the thrill of discovering unique vintage pieces and connecting them with buyers who appreciate their history is a rewarding experience. His passion for curating a distinctive collection of clothing that stands out in a sea of generic listings has set him apart as a successful seller on Vinted. By combining his love for vintage fashion with a savvy business mindset, Ewan has created a profitable venture that not only funds his university expenses but also allows him to indulge in his passion for unique clothing pieces.

With the rise of online marketplaces like Vinted and Depop, more individuals are turning to second-hand shopping as a sustainable and budget-friendly alternative. The cost-of-living crisis has further fueled the popularity of buying and selling pre-loved items, with sales of second-hand goods seeing a significant increase in recent years.

According to research commissioned by review site Trustpilot, one in six people in the UK now buy used items, highlighting a shift towards more sustainable consumption habits. This trend aligns with the growing awareness of the environmental impact of fast fashion and the desire to support a circular economy by giving pre-loved items a new lease on life.

As online platforms like Vinted continue to gain traction, sellers like Ewan are seizing the opportunity to monetize their pre-loved clothing and accessories. With millions of users across the UK, these platforms offer a convenient and accessible way to declutter closets, make extra cash, and find new homes for gently used items.

The Rise of Second-Hand Fashion

The appeal of selling second-hand clothing goes beyond financial gains, as it also promotes a more sustainable approach to fashion consumption. By extending the lifespan of clothing and accessories through resale, sellers contribute to reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of the fashion industry. This shift towards a circular fashion economy encourages individuals to rethink their shopping habits and embrace a more conscious approach to wardrobe management.

Vinted’s Consumer Lead, Natacha Blanchard, emphasizes the importance of decluttering closets and selling pre-loved items to not only earn extra cash but also promote fashion circularity. By selling unwanted clothing, individuals can actively participate in reducing textile waste and supporting a more responsible approach to fashion consumption. Blanchard notes, “Selling unwanted clothing also contributes to more fashion circularity and encourages a more responsible approach to fashion as it becomes easier to find unique and quality items second-hand.”

As Vinted celebrates 10 years of facilitating the buying and selling of pre-loved clothes in the UK, the platform continues to empower individuals to maximize their earnings from selling unused items. With over 16 million registered members in the UK and no seller fees since 2016, Vinted has become a go-to destination for those looking to monetize their pre-loved clothing and accessories.

In conclusion, Ewan Mclean’s success story on Vinted serves as a testament to the growing trend of selling second-hand clothing for profit. By leveraging his passion for vintage fashion and adopting a strategic approach to listing and pricing items, Ewan has transformed a hobby into a thriving business venture. As more individuals embrace the concept of sustainable fashion and seek alternatives to fast fashion, online platforms like Vinted offer a platform for sellers to connect with buyers, declutter their closets, and earn extra income. Ewan’s journey exemplifies the potential for individuals to turn their love for vintage clothing into a profitable and fulfilling pursuit.