
Have you ever noticed that tiny loop on the back of your shirts? It turns out that this loop actually has a practical purpose that many people overlook. The history behind the loop dates back to the Navy, where sailors had limited storage space for their uniforms. The loop allowed them to easily hang up their shirts without the need for a hanger, allowing the shirts to dry quickly and stay neatly hung.

Clothing manufacturer GANT later added a ‘locker loop’ to their shirts for Ivy League college students to conveniently hang up their shirts. Interestingly, students began using the loops to indicate their relationship status – a missing loop meant the person was taken. This trend of loop-ripping became popular in the 60s, with people even buying loops separately and having them sent by mail.

Although the significance of these loops has decreased over time, they can still be found on many shirts today. So, the next time you want to save some storage space, try hanging up your shirt the old-fashioned way and see how much wardrobe space you can save.