
This week, Pisces, you may find yourself in the spotlight when it comes to group dynamics. With the recent full moon in Capricorn energizing your eleventh house of community, it’s important for you to step up and take on a leadership role. Social Mercury in your fifth house of fame and leadership will support you in this endeavor, so don’t be afraid to negotiate and set boundaries for yourself.

On Friday, pay close attention to your finances as the quarter moon in Aries highlights your second house of money. Take the time to review your budget and make sure you are saving enough to cover any unexpected expenses that may arise. Consider ways to increase your earnings and don’t hesitate to ask for a raise if you feel it’s warranted.

As Saturn shifts into its retrograde phase on Saturday, you may feel a strong desire to bring more structure and discipline into your life. Use this time to prioritize self-care and set boundaries with those who may be taking advantage of your generosity. Remember that it’s okay to say no and focus on what truly matters to you.

While some of your plans may need to be put on hold during this retrograde period, trust that this is the right course of action for now. Take the time to review your goals and make sure they align with your long-term objectives. Use this time for research and planning so that you can set yourself up for success when Saturn goes direct on November 15.

Overall, this week is about stepping into your power, taking control of your finances, and prioritizing self-care. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that come your way, and remember to stay true to yourself.