
I walked into the room, feeling a mix of skepticism and curiosity, as I prepared to meet with a renowned tarot card reader. The scent of burning palo santo filled the air, adding to the mystique of the moment. I decided to keep my identity hidden, using a fake name and tucking my engagement ring away.

As the reader shuffled her cards, she casually mentioned that I could record the session. I discreetly turned on the voice memo app on my phone, wanting to capture every detail. Placing my hand on one of the card stacks, I waited anxiously for her to reveal what the future held for me.

To my surprise, she confidently stated, “You’ll have a house in two years.” This prediction caught me off guard, as I had not mentioned anything about a house during our interaction. It made me question my beliefs about psychics and tarot card readings, which I had always viewed with skepticism.

Despite my doubts, I found myself drawn to the idea of a house, especially since my financial situation was less than ideal. After being unemployed for over a year due to the pandemic, I was finally back at work but struggling to make ends meet. The prospect of owning a home seemed like a distant dream, yet the psychic’s words lingered in my mind.

As someone who had always been agnostic and skeptical of supernatural practices, this experience challenged my beliefs in a profound way. It made me wonder if there was more to the world than what meets the eye, and if perhaps there was some truth to the art of clairvoyance.

In the end, my visit to the psychic left me with more questions than answers. Whether her prediction would come true remained to be seen, but it had certainly sparked a newfound sense of curiosity within me. As I left the room, the lingering scent of palo santo reminded me that sometimes, the unknown can hold unexpected surprises.