
Colon health is becoming a trend in the fashion world, but it’s not just a passing fad. With rates of early-onset colorectal cancer projected to double by 2030, the urgency of this issue is clear. This rise in diagnoses before the age of 50 has spurred doctors to advise vigilance in recognizing symptoms and undergoing colonoscopies when needed. The voices of young people who have faced colorectal cancer are now coming to the forefront, including two remarkable women, Brooks Bell and Sarah Beran, who were both diagnosed in their 30s.

Brooks Bell and Sarah Beran, now in their 40s, have taken their experience and turned it into a mission to raise awareness. As cancer survivors themselves, they understand the fear and trauma that comes with a diagnosis. Recognizing the need for increased education and prevention, they launched Worldclass, a clothing line that not only raises awareness but also funds colonoscopies for underserved communities.

The brand’s name, a clever play on “world-class ass,” reflects the founders’ passion for bringing the topic of colorectal health to the forefront. With profits from their clothing line supporting screenings for those who can’t afford them, Beran and Bell are on a mission to make a difference. As Beran shared, “When you are diagnosed with and then treated for advanced cancer, it changes you forever. When you survive it, you feel like you’ve been given a second chance to do something powerful with your life.”

A Fashionable Approach to Colonoscopies

The Worldclass line features a range of items, from sweatshirts and sweatpants to T-shirts, hoodies, and baseball caps, all emblazoned with the brand’s name or the word “Ass.” For those looking to make a bold statement, there’s even merch that proudly declares the wearer as a “Colonoscopy enthusiast.” The goal is to spark conversations and encourage people to think more about their colorectal health.

Beran and Bell recognize that many individuals avoid screenings due to various reasons, including discomfort, embarrassment, or cost. By making the topic approachable through fashion, they hope to educate and advocate for cancer prevention. Bell emphasized, “Asses are inherently amazing things, and they are also the gateways to the colon, which is where colon cancer occurs.” The clothing line serves as a reminder to show your “ass” some love and prioritize your health by getting checked.

The Power of Prevention

While the eye-catching items are meant to be conversation starters, the impact of Worldclass goes beyond fashion. One hundred percent of the net profits from the brand are dedicated to increasing access to colonoscopies for underserved communities. The Worldclass Foundation also accepts donations toward a colonoscopy fund, ensuring that underinsured patients can receive this vital screening without barriers like transportation or translation services.

Beran and Bell’s message is clear: colonoscopies are a critical tool in preventing colon cancer. By detecting polyps early, these screenings can prevent the development of cancer. Bell emphasized, “Showing your ass some love and getting it checked out with a colonoscopy before you have any symptoms is going to become a vital part of everyone’s health routine.” The founders believe that a proactive approach to colorectal health is essential in combating a disease that is predicted to be the top cancer killer of both men and women under 50 by the year 2030.

Beran summed it up best when she said, “Your ass deserves care.” The name Worldclass serves as a reminder to appreciate and take pride in our bodies, particularly the often-overlooked area of gut and digestive health. As Beran shared, “Your ass deserves care. We want you thinking about it and appreciating it and being proud of it.” By combining fashion and advocacy, Worldclass is shedding light on an important health issue in a creative and impactful way.